Thursday, June 01
Room Paul

From Riding the Back-Seat to Piloting the Spaceship 🚀

After several years of working with Plunet, Keylingo switched from being passive users to a conscious one. This shift was game-changing for the US-based LSP as it allowed them to make important data-driven decisions, build stronger relationships with stakeholders, and achieve success in daily operations. Specifically, becoming conscious users of Plunet enabled the team to improve their customer understanding, conduct detailed quarterly business review meetings, and gain insights into our strengths and weaknesses in the translation market. Ludmila Albelo, Director of Technology and Innovation, would like to share their journey with the attendees about the benefits and challenges they experienced and the impact it had on their overall business.

Ludmila Albelo
Director of Technology and Innovation // Keylingo

Keylingo is a thriving full-service LSP, committed to a shared belief that its purpose is to improve people’s lives. The company is built on a tech-enabled, globally dispersed, yet closely connected team that is as equally capable as it is curious. A mantra of constant improvement drives our daily actions and interactions. Results stem from emphasizing frequent face-to-face and in-person contact, ongoing professional development, and leveraging technology tools that enable data collection and decision-making. New clients added each month join countless others that have depended on Keylingo for years to manage complexity and impact their ability to compete in the global marketplace. Common metrics help us understand our place in the industry, but more uncommon measurements reveal who we are and fuel our passion for customer and career success.